Please join Fairplain Elementary School for our Open House and Annual Title I meeting. This year we are going "Around the World in 180 days." Come check out our around the world...
JACKSON COUNTY, WV: For the first time in almost twenty years, Jackson County Schools held the Jackson County Science Fair Championship for grades 3-8. One initiative this year...
Jackson County Schools is pleased to offer parents the opportunity to complete the majority of the 2022-2023 beginning of the year school packets online. This is an option for all...
June 29, 2022
Food at the Fair
Jackson County Schools will utilize WV Backpack Food Grant funds to
provide free meals to children, 4 years of age a...
Effective 2/3/22
Jackson County Schools is following the revised Covid-19 guidelines from the CDC and WVDE to respond to the Omicron variant. O...
Effective, December 15, 2021, the Jackson County Board of Education removed the face-
covering requirement for our indoor activit...
Oh Happy Day!! Christmas concerts are back!! Mrs. Hilary Groves, Music teacher extraordinaire at FES, will host 2 Christmas Programs this year. The Preschool through second gra...
G-R-E-A-T job!! Congratulations to the 2021-22 Fairplain Elementary School Spelling Bee Winner Elaina Rake and Runner Up, Kayla Higby. In a contest full of all queen bees, all 1...
The staff and students of Fairplain Elementary are happy to welcome our new principal, Tonia Carpenter!! Originally from Charleston, Ms. Carpenter now calls Jackson County her ho...
Kindness and big hearts abound at Fairplain Elementary! Third grader, McKinlee Haddox is a prime example of that. She saw a need and organized a food drive. Our panther pride i...
We’re excited to announce the 2021 National Red Ribbon Week Theme, Drug Free Looks Like Me™. Created by Marin Wurst, a 7th grader at Solon Middle School in Solon...
Students who had their Fall Picture taken received their proofs today. They were sent home, so families had the opportunity to order pictures. Please complete the information on t...
Fairplain Elementary will commemorate Sept. 11, 2001, Friday, Sept. 10. We are wearing red, white, and blue that day. We want to honor the American citizens and uniformed personne...
REGISTRATION BEGINS TOMORROW FOR HEALTHY GRANDFAMILIES VACCINATION INCENTIVE PROGRAM Gov. Justice also offered a reminder that tomorrow – Tuesday, Sept. 7 – marks the beginnin...
Effective Tuesday, September 7, 2021, the Jackson County Board of
Education will require face-coverings for all employees and studen...
We want to welcome our families out on Aug. 16 -5:30-6:30 to meet the teachers and play on our new playground equipment! The Boilermakers Local Union 667 out of Winfield came and ...
Jackson County Schools may disclose, without written parental consent, certain categories of personally identifiable information des...